On March 5, 2013, U.S. Congressman Albio Sires (D-NJ) introduced new legislation, the MOVE Freight Act of 2013 (HR-974), to strengthen our national freight transportation policy by creating a national plan for moving goods efficiently by road, rail, water, and air. With the support of U.S. Representatives Adam Smith (D-WA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Janice Hahn (D-CA), Corrine Brown (D-FL) and Grace Napolitano (D-CA) as original co-sponsors, the Multimodal Opportunities via Enhanced (MOVE) Freight Act of 2013 would direct the federal government to ensure the various and essential modes of our freight network are accounted for and provide investment in freight transportation projects.
There are currently (June 28, 2013) 17 co-sponsors, all Democrats, and far more support is needed, especially from the Republican side of the aisle.
RAIL Solution is engaged in this process for defining the National Freight Network, because future funding will be, to some degree, tied to what is included in this network.
Please contact your Representatives and urge them to support this bill.
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SAMPLE LETTER (edit as you wish)
Subject: Co-Sponsor the MOVE Freight Act of 2013 (HR-974)
HR-974 will correct oversights in the federal transportation act, known as MAP-21, passed by Congress last year. For example, that legislation contained no rail provisions. However, rail transportation of freight is an essential part of the nation’s freight network. The Department of Transportation must incorporate freight railroads when fulfilling its MAP-21 obligation to map the arterial freight system.
HR-974 will be especially helpful to those of us living and driving along the I-81/I-40 Corridor who want and deserve safer, less costly, multi-modal solutions to hazardous truck freight congestion on the interstate.
This bill, submitted by Representative Albio Sires of New Jersey, now has but a few sponsors and needs more sponsors, from both political parties, because success of the bill will assure that comprehensive planning of the Department of Transportation will include all modes of transportation and will enable the best and lowest impact solutions to future transportation needs.
I respectfully urge you to sign on as a co-sponsor and support HR-974 to your colleagues–especially those on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee.
[Your Name]
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