David Foster
Introduction of the new Steel Interstate Newsletter
Welcome to the new RAIL Solution railroad industry update. In this periodic communication, we attempt to keep you informed of key developments and place our Steel Interstate advocacy in context. The Newslette… Continue reading
Outreach V – A Postscript on Status of the Rail Industry
(Note that Outreach IV was written several weeks ago, but only published on this website today
A few weeks ago I wrote about the current State of the Rail… Continue reading
Outreach IV. State of the Rail Industry
Only a few short years ago, with surprising unanimity, analysts and commentators were acclaiming a “rail renaissance”. Traffic volumes had recovered smartly from the 2008-09 recession. Demand exceeded capacity, railroads could… Continue reading
So much of what we depend on for mobility of both goods and people, and hence our quality of life, requires good infrastructure.
Historically each generation has added somewhat to the nation’s infrastructure, from early wagon roads and canal… Continue reading
Last month I discussed electrification, a key component of our Steel Interstate advocacy. Today I want to talk about intermodal rail traffic and how that fits in. Just recently intermodal made headlines because for the first time the U.S. Class… Continue reading
This year we will make a stronger effort to keep our participants informed of the issues we are working on. There is a fine line, I realize, between too many communications and failure to communicate, but I am going to… Continue reading