Urgent Call for Virginians to
Comment on the I-81 Corridor Improvement Plan
by Monday, August 6th, 2018!
1. I-81 Corridor Improvement Plan Project Overview and Get Involved info:
2. Steel Interstate Coalition, Roanoke Times editorial:
“Divert trucks on I-81 to rail”
3. Steel Interstate Coalition, public hearing comment:
“Make I-81 Multimodal through Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley”
4. Railway Land Ferry video:
Why would a trucker drive through the Shenandoah Valley if it could be bypassed at less cost and time via Railway Land Ferry?
5. The Steel Interstate Coalition asks you to comment, make the following point, with your personal touch, that:
The I-81 Corridor Improvement Study must include an analysis of the life-cycle economic and environmental costs and benefits of adding new capacity for a railway based truck ferry operation on the parallel NS rail line versus adding more lanes for trucks on I-81 itself.
6. Email your comment to:
Virginia Department of Transportation
Subject Line: “I-81 Corridor Improvement Plan”
Deadline Monday, August 6th, 2018
7. Donate to help the Steel Interstate Coalition fulfill its mission to decongest highways with state of the art railway services, go to:
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